Tema: Re: Kas galetu ivertint
Autorius: Icetom
Data: 2011-05-30 19:40:05
>Plasmu technologijoje nieko naujo per paskutinius metus neatsirado -
>neishrado. Tos pacios celes, tos pacios dujos ir ta pati elektronika. Groja 
>tik marketingas (juodesnes spalvos, geresnis kontrastas blabla) ir uz tai 
>moki papildoma 'naujumo' kaina.

Nesutinku su šia nuomone. 2010 m. Panasonic modeliuose buvo kitokie 
elementai (cells), net ir VT20 modelyje, nei 2011 m. modeliuose. Žymus 
technologinis šuolis įvyksta kas apie 3 metus kiek pastebėjau. O tame 
"tarpe" daugiau vyksta "šlifavimas", "mikro" tobulinimai, bet naudingi ...

Ko galima tikėtis gauti naudotojų rinkai per ateinančių porą metų, galima 
spręsti pagal namų instaliacijoms skirtą Panasonic VX seriją (ir iš dalies 
pagal naujus pro rinkai skirtus BT (galbūt bus analogiški ir VX300) serijos 

"Any display’s picture quality is based on a number of elements - the 
greyscale, the colour gamut and the video processing - if the display gets 
these elements right the resulting images can be spectacular. As I’ve 
mentioned earlier in this review the VX200 gets these essential basics right 
and as such the resulting images are some of the best I’ve seen from a 
display. The VX200 reproduced THE REFERENCE demo footage on the Spears & 
Munsil Blu-ray disc superbly with SHARP images composed of NATURAL COLOURS, 
excellent SHADOW DETAIL, SMOOTH GRADATION and an abundance of fine detail. 
This fine detail was all the more obvious because there was VERY LITTLE PWM 
NOISE which is a real plus for a plasma of this size.

Perhaps the area where the VX200 really excelled was in CONTRAST RATIO and 
BLACK LEVELS. The dynamic range was very impressive and the display’s 
ability to show dark and light images in the same frame or move from shadow 
to daylight with ease gave the picture a real sense of dimensionality, even 
in 2D. However it was the black levels that really impressed and for the 
first time I saw blacks that matched my Kuro at home. These deep blacks 
really added to the already excellent picture and created images that were 
stunning in their clarity, accuracy and dynamism.

I often use my Blu-ray of ‘I Am Legend’ to test out the capabilities of 
displays but with the exception of my Kuro this is the first time I’ve had 
the experience of not being able to tell where the black bars ended and the 
bezel began; this is one of the best indications of how good the blacks are 
on this display. I like using ‘I Am Legend’ because it has a nice detailed 
image, plenty of dark scenes for testing shadow detail and blacks and some 
clever use of colour to check a display’s accuracy. The VX200 passed with 
flying colours (no pun intended), producing a beautiful film-like image, 
with a natural appearance, amazing shadow detail, contrast and blacks and 
free of judder and artefacts."

Iš čia: 

>Tuo tarpu kaina gali skirtis turbut iki kokiu 40-50%.

Plazmų kainos tik mažėjo paskutinius porą-trejetą metų (įskaitant ir 2011 
m.) ...