Tema: Re: HDMI laidų skirtumai
Autorius: spakainas
Data: 2011-08-25 11:46:58
Ko čia stengiatės, jam gi neįdomu ;]

> Kaip jau minejom musu nedomina kad taves nedomina saltiniai kuriuose tau
> ant pirstu issaiskinta kas kodel veikia, gali veikti, ir kodel gali
> neveikti:
> A cable of about 5 meters (16 ft.) can be manufactured to Category 1
> specifications easily and inexpensively by using 28 AWG (0.081 mm²)
> conductors.[58] With better quality construction and materials,
> including 24 AWG (0.205 mm²) conductors, a HDMI cable can reach lengths
> of up to 15 meters (49 ft.).[58] Many HDMI cables under 5 meters of
> length that were made before the HDMI 1.3 specification can work as
> Category 2 cables, but only Category 2-tested cables are guaranteed to
> work.[63]