Tema: Re: Jaučiu pareigą informuot :)
Autorius: BigM
Data: 2011-10-25 13:38:57
  "Before the Cinema 3D technology worked like this: During a time period of 
1/200 seconds the TV showed 2 frames; 540 lines for the left eye and 540 
lines for the right eye.
  The new algorithm shows 4 frames instead of 2 during the 1/200 second time 
frame. It shows 1080i for the left eye and 1080i for the right eye.

  When these are combined the two pictures create a 1080p picture according 
to LG. LG believes that this update improves picture quality on their Cinema 
3D TVs to compete directly with the active 3D TVs such as 3D plasma TVs. You 
need to turn off TruMotion to utilize the new algorithm. See the 
illustration below."


  So the update for this finally rolled out(apparently just a few days ago 
according to people at avsforum).  When I first got my TV, I accepted the 
occasional interlacing artifacts in exchange for being able to use cheap 
glasses.  Today I went to watch Tangled 3D and the difference was amazing, 
not a single interlace line to be seen.  It felt like I was watching on my 
3D plasma display but without the headache from the flashing glasses.  If 
any of you previously saw these TVs in stores and found its 3D lacking, you 
should check them out again (pop into settings to check the firmware on a 
demo TV and make sure it's at 4.01.30 or higher).  Now I just wish there was 
more quality content in 3D so I'd have an excuse to use it more than once in 
a while.



  čia pirma pasitaikiusi info pagūglinus.

"Edvinas" <edvinas@darbe.lt> wrote in message 
> 2011-10-25 13:22, BigM rašė:
>> Kiek žinau ir domėjausi, tai LG išleido firmware atnaujinimą, kuris
>> palaiko jau 1080 eilučių. Ant kiek tai tiesa, netikrinau.
> O mano žinuomis pas LG viskas labai paprasta: viena eilutė poliarizuota 
> vienaip, kita kitaip. Akiniai irgi. Rezultate vienai akiai blokuojamas 
> lyginių eilučių vaizdas, kitai akiai blokuojamas nelyginių eilučių 
> vaizdas. Kokiu būdu šitą dalyką pakeisti firmwaru - neįsivaizduoju.