Tema: Re: Samsung UE46 D8000 kaina ir alternatyvos
Autorius: Rugpjutis
Data: 2012-01-11 09:03:37
According to the Samsung representative Micro Dimming is : Edge LED + a 
software controller that analyzes the picture in 4000 different zones and 
adjusts accordingly. It’s not a local dimming hardware function but instead 
a software picture circuit analyzing with the pixel areas.

"homo erectus" <homo.erectus@gmail.com> parašė naujienų 
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 10:33:47 +0400, Rugpjutis wrote:
>>  D8000 turi micro dimming, o tai vaizdui daug geresne kokybe suteikia.
> Gal galėtum detaliau paaiškinti kas yra tas mikro dimming ir kaip jis
> pagerina vaizdą.