Tema: Re: Ką gi, turime KURO įpėdinį
Autorius: Unknown
Data: 2012-03-30 16:07:52
"As it stands, we recorded power consumption at an averaged, calibrated draw 
of 240W in Professional mode for 2D pictures and close to 350W with 3D 
material in our preferred THX 3D mode."

nesenai vienas veikejas rase, kaip atseit plazmos jau mazai naudoja

"... Vat užsakyk tyrimą apie plazmas. Įtariu, kad didžioji dalis respondentų
nesirenka plazmos tik dėl baimių, gajų mitų kaip:
- elektros sąnaudos 500 w ribose ..."

tikra tiesa, 500 W jau nebetraukia :-)
Jau beveik gali lygint su kokiu LCD


"The HX823 may be big in stature but it’s not large in appetite and 
consistently showed power consumption of only 88w in its calibrated 2D 
state. For 3D images, a little more was required and the average was 103w. "

Gero visiems savaitgalio!

"homo erectus"  wrote in message 


"It truly is the benchmark by which we will be judging this year’s crop of
televisions and, for that reason, we take pleasure in awarding the
Panasonic VT50 a coveted AVForums Reference Status Award."

Net "out of the box" viskas beveik idealu. Viskas, išskyrus kainą...