Tema: Re: Panašu, kad Panasonic irgi LCD TV išmoko gaminti
Autorius: trans
Data: 2012-07-14 14:28:12
jamciau sita over jusu plazma :)

"IPS panels have the best grayscale tracking of all current flat-panel 
televisions (with the possible exception of OLED TV). So as predicted, 
the performance of the 42E5 was excellent and comparable to the 
calibrated Dell 2209WA. There was no visible evidence of any serious 
black crush or any form of gamma error."

On 2012.07.13 16:45, homo erectus wrote:
> http://www.hdtvtest.co.uk/news/panasonic-tx-l42e5b-l32e5b-201207131935.htm