PS Mr.Green pasiūlytą sprendimą dar neišbandžiau. Gūglas siūlo dar tokį sprendimą: Well I've spent so long getting this to work, it'd be a crime not to share it round: I have a Panasonic 54'' Plasma (TH-P54v20A) and I bought a 500Gb WD MyPassport external drive with the intention of loading all my Movies onto it. However, anyone reading this thread probably already knows that USB hard drives do not work with Panasonic TV's like this. However after several beers I finally figured it out. Before starting you'll need a copy of Other Partition tools may do the job, but this is free and works quite well. Start EASEUS Partition Manager Select the USB HDD from the available drives list Delete the Partition - MyPassport drives are formatted for NTFS. Create a new partition - Be sure to set new partition to FAT32 and make it the primary partition. Format the new partition - Now here's the trick: set the cluster size to 32K. This is important because my Panasonic TV doesn't appear to like it when I set the cluster size to 64K Finished - Your WD passport drive should now work with your panasonic TV This proceedure has only been tested on a Panasonic TV with a W.D MyPassport HDD. - Hope someone else finds this useful.