Tema: Re: TV poreikis nuo 32" iki kokiu 42" FullHD
Autorius: Jonas Kalvis
Data: 2014-06-17 23:07:25
Geriausias variantas yra tas, kurį siūlo, o ne tas, kurį pasirenki ;) Va 
pavyzdžiui, jei tavo plazminis telikas neužima 2/3 tavo kambario sienos, o 
tavo lauko sienos neturi mažiausiai dviejų lėkščių, tu negali būti normaliu 
ir turi labai gailėtis ;)

"Xeen"  wrote in message news:lnq6uj$g8l$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

terija sau, o praktika sau ;)
tai dazniausiai buna ir kiekvienas pasirenka sau geriausia varianta.

On 2014-06-17 22:51, pininfarina wrote:
> truputis teorijos:
> THX recommends that the “best seat-to-screen distance” is one where the
> view angle approximates 40 degrees, (the actual angle is 40.04 degrees).
> Their recommendation was originally presented at the 2006 CES show, and
> was stated as being the theoretical maximum horizontal view angle, based
> on average human vision. In the opinion of THX the location where the
> display is viewed at a 40 degree view angle provides the most “immersive
> cinematic experience”, all other things considered. For consumer
> application of their recommendations, THX recommends dividing the
> diagonal screen measurement by .84 to calculate the optimum viewing
> distance, for a 1080p resolution. This equates to multiplying the
> diagonal measurement with about 1.2.