Nu nelabai ten pasisekė populiariai paaiskinti - taip ir nesupratau, kodėl ant senų aparatų visvien nauja schema veikia, o pas sharintojus nebeveikia :) 2014-06-28 23:55, Deivis rašė: > Šiek tiek info iš forumų, kuri populiariai paaiškina kas keitėsi ir kaip > keičiasi kodavimas nekeičiant imtuvų esamiems vartotojams: > > > Sky's new pairing doesn't introduce any significant differences to the > existing NDS data, that data is still encrypted so only a genuine card > can decrypt it, but what it does do is add an additional layer of > encryption between the box/card to prevent their cards from being used > in card servers like oscam or CCcam (what your c line uses to decrypt > channels). > > A new HD box running the latest firmware is able to take the incoming > NDS data [ECMs/EMMs] from the MPEG (video) stream and further encrypt it > before sending it to the card. > > An old HD box (or an SD box) just continues as it did before, extracting > the NDS data from the MPEG stream and feeding it to the card. > > This design allows Sky to alter NOTHING to the existing NDS code, which > is essential to (a) prevent loggers/hackers from running comparators > over logs from the then/now data streams and (b) allow older boxes to > work as before. > > Remember, the change has NOT happened at the NDS level, it has happened > at the firmware level of both the new HD boxes and the existing cards. > > It's the boxes that are instructed to use the pairing algorithm [or not] > for a particular channel(s) [or more accurately, entitlement group/level] > > If you place a card in a new HD box, the card will be instructed to > accept the newly encrypted data using the sky box's pairing key... > > If you then move the card back to oscam, it will continue to expect that > encrypted data for that channel(s) and try to decrypt it... > Of course, as the incoming data is NOT encrypted (coming from oscam for > example) you'll get nothing worthwhile back.. > > So what happens when you put a card back in oscam or put it back in an > SD box or an old HD box and leave it..? > If the card is unable to verify it's running in a new HD box [after x > amount of time (or cycles) or following a new install/pairing process], > it reverts back to the original system we all know and love, which is of > course easy for most to share. > [I'm sure their lawyers have reminded Sky not to enforce a blackout on > paying customers for fear of prosecution or maybe Sky have acknowledged > some people may use their own older boxes in the event of a failure..] > > How long Sky allow the card to revert back on the other hand is the > question most pay servers should be considering.. > > As it stands now the new system does nothing to prevent c/s, however, > once Sky are happy they have updated all the smartcards (all those EMMs > you've been seeing...) and have completed most (if not all) of the box > upgrades, expect to see some disruption. > > When this will be, you'll have to ask the boys over at Sky (and I'm not > talking about their installers / customer support agents here lol) > > Here's a quick overview of both the old and new data exchange: > > Current: > ECM/EMM Data is fed to the box via the MPEG stream, it then passes it to > the card for a response. > > New: > ECM/EMM Data is fed to the box via the MPEG stream, it then further > encrypts the data using a pairing key before passing it on to the card. > The card decrypts this in order to then decrypt and process the original > ECM/EMM command. The reply is then encrypted [again using the pairing > key] and sent back to the box, which then decrypts and executes it. > > Both the original ECM/EMM data and the reply have not changed, the only > thing that has changed is the way the data was exchanged between the box > and the card.. > > As has been mentioned (and seemingly ignored) beforehand, it is possible > to use a card which has been updated to the new system by dumping the > key from a new HD box (pretty much in the same way you dump an RSA key > from a Nagra3 UK Cable box) which then allows the use of something like > newcs, utilising the receiver ID of course. > > This information is not publically available as this would allow both > ViasatHD and SkyHD (shortly) to be shared and to be honest, many that > have worked on this are sick of all the exploitation... > > Deivis