Tema: Re: PC to LCD TV audio (tesinys)
Autorius: Icetom
Data: 2009-05-28 15:53:49
Čia dar per google gamespot.com forume radau tokią info, nors kažkaip 
nepatikima atrodo.
"This took a while for me to figure out.. First thing you HAVE to do is 
disable your onboard audio... They both use the Realtek driver.. and it 
screws things up.. Next reinstall the ATI HDMI realtek driver.. You have 
reinstall then reboot.
Deselect 48hz audio.. The standard does NOT support 7.1 or 5.1 at 48.. only 
at 44.1.. Yeah it's alot of hoops to get it to work.. but YES it does work..
Also your reciever must support LPCM 7.1 in order for it to all work.. I 
have an Onkyo 605 and it works great.. I am running Vista Home Premium 64 
bit addition! "

Aš kai bandžiau nekeičiau garso paleidimo programoje iš 48 kHz į 44.1 kHz. 
Bet jei ką pabandyk ir tai. Na ir patikrink dar kartą BIOS'e ar integruota 
garso plokštė atjungta (disable).

"YZF" <yzfas_@_centras.lt> wrote in message 
> Naujausias Catalystas nes korta idejau pries pora dienu tai ir driverius 
> naujausius beabejo isimeciau. Senesniu net ir nenaudojau.
> Nors poto dar ant virsaus uzvariau realteko driverius, bet situacija 
> nepasikeite..