Nematė? Tikrai? Niekas? Aš į namus skraidau iš Liverpulio. Ten prieš trejus metus kabėjo plazmos, kur informaciją apie skrydžius skelbia. Patikėk, jos tikrai išdegusios buvo. Dabar kabo LCD. "Bronco" parašė naujienų news:mvdt8d$uk5$ On 2015-10-11 07:27, news wrote: > kiek isdegusiu OLED teliku teko gyvai ciupineti? Lygiai tas pats su plazminiais. Niekas jų išdegusių nematė, bet visi "žino", kaip jie masiškai išdega :) Oh, yeah, BTW, everything 'burns in' CRTs had burn-in. OLEDs can burn-in. And believe it or not, even LCDs can "burn in." The mechanism for LCD "burn in" is different than with plasma/CRT/OLED, not least because LCDs don't have phosphors. They can exhibit image retention. It is less common, but still possible. Don't believe me? When was the last time you were at an airport? Find one of the departure/arrival screens. If they're not brand-new, I bet there's image persistence or burn-in regardless of the technology. I've seen this first hand with an LCD display recently, so it's not a myth.