>>> 85X940 - EOL. >> >> 2016-01-26 - 85X940 jau End of life?... >> Reviewed: 9 Sep 2014 <..> Take the upcoming Panasonic TX-85X940 4K/UHD >> TV, for instance. >> Ilgaamzis aparatc.. > > Tu parodyk ilgaamžiškesnį. Pas gamintojus šiais laikais production ciklas yra 1 metai. Siaip EOL reiskia kiek kitoki reikala.. pvz. Lifetime garantijos pabaiga.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End-of-life_(product) Product support during EOL varies by product. For hardware with an expected lifetime of 10 years after production ends, the support includes spare parts, technical support and service. Sakyciau jei tam 85X940 yra "end of production" ar "end of sales" = normalu, nes TV, mobilku, kompu, buit. tech. gamybos ciklai jau neskaiciuojami metais ne tik pas Panasiu..