> Truputį, kad aiškumo įvesti. Minėtoje kainų kategorijoje, bus TV, kuris tiesiog palaiko HDR formatus. Bet jei norima ir didesnio > skaisčio žiūrint HDR turinį (t.y. bent apie 500 cd/m2, nitų, tada abejoju ar toks modelis bus mažiau kaip už 1000 EUR). > > HDTV polska pateikia kokį skaistį ekranas generuoja leidžiant skirtingą turinį. Jie, beje, taip pat pateikia ir vėlinimą esant HDR > režime > https://hdtvpolska.com/category/testy/telewizory-lcd/ Truputi neaisku, kas tas "tiesiog palaiko".. ir uz kurios vietos.. EX600 skaisciai neblizga, tai jo HDR10 palaikymas kaip suniui penkta koja? http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/panasonic-tvs-2017-4k-hdr#uHX89iR0QQz6CGY4.99 1. ALL THE 4K MODELS ARE HDR COMPATIBLE – AND WITH HLG They all use the HDR10 system, rather than Dolby Vision. Dolby Vision uses dynamic metadata to get the most out of different TVs, but Panasonic is confident in its ability to optimise its own screens. What you do get is Hybrid Log-Gamma compatibility (HLG), straight out of the box, for all the 4K HDR models in 2017. As for the existing 2016 models, the Panasonic DX750, DX800 and DX900 series will get HLG via firmware update. Speaking of HDR, Panasonic has introduced a fast HDR mode just for gaming, specifically to target the issue of input lag. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/5258ac/a_compiled_list_of_4k_uhd_tvs_that_support_hdr_10/ https://hdtvpolska.com/panasonic-ex600-tx-65ex600e-test-niedrogiego-tv-ultra-hd-2017-z-hdr/ The maximum brightness after calibration SDR: 220cd / m2 (full screen), HDR 280 cd / m2 (scrap screen - L20) Medium quality HDR effect (more - better, max - 10 000cd / m2) 265cd / m2 Input Lag (important for players less - better) 21ms - game mode - 1080p60 (consoles) 21ms - game mode - 1080p60 HDR + (PS4 console) 21ms - game mode - 4K + (HDR latest versions of Xbox One S Pro PS4)