Tema: Re: paimtas UE65MU8002
Autorius: Bronco
Data: 2018-01-30 22:15:46
Kas taip prajuokino?

2013 metų vertinimai:


And the winner is...

If we're judging purely on picture quality, it's OLED. But that's not 
entirely fair, since it's possible a $8,000 55-inch plasma or LCD these 
days could look pretty stunning. Taking cost into effect, plasmas and 
LCDs have different strengths and weaknesses. Picture quality, in a dark 
room, is going to go to plasma. In a bright room, that's less clear. 
Generally LCD, but with the right coatings, some plasmas may look better 
than some LCDs.

2017 metų vertinimai:


And the picture-quality winner is... OLED

LCD dominates the market because it's cheap to manufacture and delivers 
good enough picture quality for just about everybody. But according 
reviews at CNET and elsewhere, OLED wins for overall picture quality, 
largely due to the incredible contrast ratio.

Įjungiam logiką ir matom, jog TV, kaip namų kino komponentas, vertinant 
tik vaizdelio kokybę, rikiuojasi taip:

2. Plazma
3. LCD

On 2018-01-30 08:08, vaidas100 wrote:
> :-D
> On 2018.01.29 22:21, Bronco wrote:
>> Tai, kad rikiuotė yra LCD < Plazma < OLED sutinka absoliučiai visi 
>> vaizdo profesionalai, tai patvirtina visi testų rezultatai ir tai mato 
>> bet kuri išlavinta akis.