> P.s. as windausuose nenaudoju antiviruso, nes nesuprantu jo > prasmes, turiu itartinu failu praskanavimui, bet online rezimu tai 2/3 > kompo resursu sueda. > As irgi nenaudoju. Nes narsydavau prisijunges su putty prie linux'o ir pasileides firefix'a. Dabar visai gerai sekasi su Win10 WSL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux WSL uses fewer resources than a fully virtualized machine, the most direct way to run Linux software in a Windows environment, while also allowing users to use Windows apps and Linux tools on the same set of files. It is possible to run some graphical applications by installing an X11 server within the Windows environment, although it was found to be an unstable method. Turiu Win 10 susimetes ubuntu ir suse aplinkas. Ubuntu aplinkoje firefox'as man stodavo. Opensuse aplinkoje to dar man nepasitaike.