Tema: Re: req: nemokamas video editorius
Autorius: AM
Data: 2010-04-29 22:21:35
sita ir pasirinkau:

kol kas patenkintas.

"Velokoraptus" <eskimai@afrikoi.lt> wrote in message 
> AM wrote:
>> sveiki,
>> parekomenduokit koki nemokama video editoriu (for Windows), kad butu 
>> galima namu vaizdelius pasiredaguot, kazko imantraus ir sudetingo 
>> nereikia.
> tai, kad jau windoze turi video editoriu, nuo XP eina, jei sakai, kad 
> nieko imantraus nereikia - Windows Movie Maker vadinasi.
> Is nebrangiu megejisku mokamu kuriu trialus gali naudot 30d. geriausias 
> sony movie studio platinium, pats populeriausias megeju tarpe is mokamu, 
> bet nebrangiu :)
> Yra kitu kurie tikrai nemokami, bet, kad su jais dirbti, reik pries tai 
> buti nieko nebandzius... nes supykins :) tokie kaip zwei-sten (ZS4) arba 
> wax'as, nors wax'as kompozitorius labiau
> dar jei rasi buvo anksciau, dabar jau nebeplatinamas AVID FreeDV gal kur 
> rasi atsisiust su serialu.
> Naudotum linuxus pasiuliciau OpenShot labai patiko, arba KdenLive, 
> cinelerra neminesiu per sudetingas gali pasirodyt :)
> Zinoma negalima nepamineti blenderio, jis 3d softas, bet gan neblogai 
> galima editint video + plius turi composite nodes na ir zinoma cross 
> platforminis (ant visu OS).
> "Blender is a powerful, multi-use editing/compositing and modeling tool. 
> It’s one of the best on the market and it’s free. This is the tool that 
> will allow you to edit, create 3D graphics, add effects, manage your sound 
> and render out some of the greatest films you’ve seen. Check out It is 
> very, very powerful. The film ‘Elephants Dream’ was put together using it 
> and it certainly was up to the task. For something a little more 
> approachable (and funny) look at Big Buck Bunny.
> The problem with Blender is that it’s complex and not that easy t learn. 
> But if you can climb that steep learning curve it’s a doozy"
> P.S. nesu niekada bandes, bet klykia, kad ir sitas neva nemokamas: 
> http://www.videospin.com/Redesign/ Pinaccle ir Avid kurinukas :)
> Sekmes, nepamirsk papostint ka pasirinkai :)