Tema: Re: reik pagalbos su CSS
Autorius: Ramon_
Data: 2009-10-01 15:27:49
Any content that does not fit in a fixed-width or -height box causes the box 
to expand to fit the content rather than letting the content overflow.

Affects: Internet Explorer 6.0
Likelihood: Likely


"tOMZY" <tomas@TRINTIpremjeras.lt> wrote in message 
> Apklausos rezultatus grafiskai atvaizduoju taip:
> <div style="height:13px; width:14px; background:url(pollbar.gif); ">
> <div style="margin-left:10px;">27%</div><
> /div>
> Naujos narsykles atvaizduoja normaliai, o IE senos versijos ignoruoja fono 
> ploti - istempia per visa eilute (prikabinu vaizdeli). Kur cia 
> prigrybavau?