Project Virgle, dubbed by Google as Virgle: The Adventure of Many Lifetimes, was a Google April Fools' joke featured on the main page of Google Search on April 1, 2008. The motto of Project Virgle was, "Things will get better. Eventually".[1] ale shiaip jei rimtai, imho be privataus kapitalo interesu kosmoso kolonizacija stabdys ilgai - vat jei marse rastu kokiu nors uber retu mineralu ar ishkasenu koldus, ar kazhka panashaus, kas butu idomu verslui - tada reikalai pajudetu zhymiai sparchiau - juk ir kolumbas naujo kelio i indija atradimui gavo ne del geografijos prapletimo paskatu - o butent del ekonomines naudos, bo ish europos i indija keliaut budavo pain in the ass... "lingus" <> wrote in message news:ht3vgt$4td$ >