nu fantazija tai tikrai gera pas žmones, gaila tikslas tuščias.. 2015-02-08 18:26, ABLomas rašė: > Neklausiu, kokias ausines pasiimt, koks DAC geresnis... > > Galvojau, kad su visokia gerai įsisavinta ir žinoma skaitmena > spekuliacijos daugumai pardavėjų baigės, nes kaip ir nedaug kas perka > prabangius ethernet kabelius (net gamintojas discontinuino): > > > Bet pasirodo viskas kur kas rimčiau! Net ir USB kabeliai pasirodo turi > "neįtikėtinų skirtumų" ir generuoja "organinį garsą"... > > Bikoz straipsniukas nešviežias, tai gūgltelėjau daugiau ir užtikau > visišką perlą: > > > Vo šitas tai pasirodė visai rimtas resursas. Ko verta vien jau: > "If the Kingston SSD stood apart from the disk drives for its mostly > good yet quite alien character, drive four made itself known for > entirely the wrong reasons. This Corsair drive (another SSD) > conspicuously highlighted vocal sibilants, and had a hard, relentless > quality that was impossible to miss. Strangely, it also robbed the music > of pace; it was the least engaging on any emotional level thanks to an > enveloping tunelessness that appeared to carve up a song like an MP3 > rip." > > Dabar galvoju, kur gaut audiofilinio RAM mano pisiukui? Nes tai, kas > dabar pas mane sudėta - visiškai ne fengšui... > > > Direct comparison with the HDD version showed that the SSD’s subtle > ‘halo’ effect was indeed less natural. And the HDD version has a clear > advantage on one aspect of sound quality: music flowed a little better > and timing was superior too, with more natural dynamic expression. > <...> > Deleting the [ethernet] switch from the chain altogether brought a 10% > improvement in sound quality, which for me was an important discovery. > <...> > Using Cat6 as the reference, reversion to Cat5e dropped sound quality by > around 20 per cent – jaw dropping in view of the trivial cost involved, > especially when compared with the price of the whole audio system. > <...> > By comparison, Cat5e sounded ‘greyer’, with less contrast and somewhat > dulled detail. Specifically, low level detail and image depth were > impaired, unwanted grain and sibilance were increased, and there was a > shortfall in coherence and involvement. Dynamics were softened and the > sense of rhythm was significantly reduced. > > Jei nežinot kur gaut audiofilinio RAM - tai gal bent yra idėjų kur tokį > galingą koksą stumdo? =)