Tema: Re: ABS senam avensiui atjungimas
Autorius: padugne
Data: 2010-12-29 22:27:18
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 21:32:34 +0200, abc wrote:

>> http://books.google.com/books?id=fhabaMVQ9wkC&lpg=PA75&ots=X1tLYu-
>> Rwz&pg=PA78#v=onepage&q&f=false
>> 78 puslapyje yra lentele "The Straight-line braking test", honda accord
>> ant pliko ledo be ABS sustojo per 84 metrus (277 pedas), o su ABS - 70
>> (230).
>> Taip kad nuogi skaiciai rodo, kad accordas su ABS ant ledo sustojo
>> zymiai greiciau nei be.
> Nezinau, grynai pagal fizika nebent toks variantas: 1. stabdymas kazkiek
> vyksta deka letai besisukancios pagandos riedejimo trinties
> (deformacijos). Jei padanga nepilnai pripusta, sita dedamoji kazkiek is
> tiesu reiskia.

Grynai pagal fizika yra ir kitu variantu, pvz cia:

The amount of traction which can be obtained for an auto tire is 
determined by the coefficient of static friction between the tire and the 
road. If the wheel is locked and sliding, the force of friction is 
determined by the coefficient of kinetic friction and is usually 
significantly less.

Kitaip tariant, kol ratas rieda, tol sukibima apibrezia statines trinties 
koeficientas kuris yra zymiai didesnis uz kinetines trinties koeficienta 
kada ratas ciuozia.
Grafikelis tai iliustruoja.
