Tema: Re:DPF problemos
Autorius: E.D
Data: 2015-11-15 22:23:46
Jei po savaites neuzges, politiskai korektiska butu keisti DPF
 nauju ar pramoniniu budu regeneruotu/plautu DPF filtru.
Kad per savaite uzgestu, pabandyciau kuro prieda, kuris greitina
 DPF regeneracija. Gal tai kazkiek dar prates DPF veikimo laika uz
 mazai pinigu.
O jei jau tai nepades, galima daryt visokius dalykus, kaip ir
 rasei pats: keist, plaut, salinti ir isprogramuot, priklausomai
 nuo asmeniniu isitikinimu ir fin. galimybiu.
O siaip, visi isvardinti metodai veikia.

Peter Oxygen <oxyg3n@NEREIKmail.lt> Wrote in message:
> Sveiki,
> kokia dabar geriausia praktika del PFP problemu (qashqai, 2.0)?
> Lempute uzsidege Kaune, atvaziavus iki Vilniaus vis dar neuzgeso (tiesa, 
> vaziavom normaliom apsukom, <=2). Pagal manual jei per ~savaite neuzges 
> bus ijungti ribojimai.
> Perplovimas, salinimas, vaziuot pas dyleri (speju nepigus malonumas)?
> Regeneration restrictions:
> Driving conditions such as frequent short journeys or stop/start driving 
> can result in excessive build up of carbon in the filter. When this 
> happens the DPF warning light will illuminate (and a message will ap- 
> pear in the vehicle information display, see ?Vehicle information 
> display? later in this section) to inform you that the vehicle must be 
> driven in a particular manner to begin regeneration.
> When the DPF warning light is illuminated, provided that legal and 
> safety conditions allow, the vehicle should be driven at a speed of over 
> 60 km/h (37.5 MPH) until the DPF warning light turns off. This pro- cess 
> can take up to 30 minutes to complete.
> If regeneration fails:
> Failure to react to the DPF warning light may lead to saturation of the 
> DPF system. If this happens the Malfunction Indicator (MI)   will 
> illuminate indi- cating that a Service Regeneration by a NISSAN dealer 
> or qualified workshop is required. The engine speed may also be limited 
> to 3,000 rpm to protect the DPF system.
> Contact a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop to perform a forced 
> regeneration.

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