2018.09.12 22:27, tranzoo rašė: > On 9/12/2018 09:14, 0.5B wrote: >> nori švogeris paauglei dukrai nupirkt, žiūrinėja visokius >> https://www.gearbest.com/electric-bikes/pp_009988231628.html?wid=1433363 >> https://samewaysports.en.alibaba.com/product/60777054041-803070438/2018_hot_selling_250W_folding_Ebike_full_suspension_mountain_electric_bicycle_20ZANCHE_New_.html?spm=a2700.icbuShop.rect38f22d.6.2eba2da0Z9kHHi >> >> >> na tik kažkaip įtartini man tie noname kiniški.... gal LT kažką už >> pakenčiamą kainą su garantija galima rast? > > uz tokia kaina - 99.9% bus parodija, o ne dviratis. > > tegu nesuka keusu ir jama dvirka is biltema. pvz > https://www.biltema.no/fritid/sykler/elsykler/elsykkel-28-3-gir-2000040770 > > gali iki manes nevaziuot. brangiau, kaip bebutu keista, truputuka. > https://www.biltema.se/fritid/cyklar/elcyklar/elcykel-28-3-vaxlar-2000040770 > Biltema lived in a small basement in Linköping. After a year the firm expanded mail-order business with a small shop, also in the same basement. The policy of buying directly from the manufacturer led to Biltema soon began to look up where the manufacture of the various products were made. Back in the late 1970s, the company began building strategic sourcing contacts around the world. neitikinai, kuo tas svediskas kinietis geriau uz kiniska kinieti. t.y. kad ir xiaumiau