Tema: Re: Vilnius-Kaunas tikrinimai?
Autorius: eSSas
Data: 2020-12-20 14:07:17
On 20/12/2020 13:22, G.K. wrote:
> Dėl čipavimo nebūčiau toks tikras. Gal labiau organizmo paruošimas 
> kovoti su COVID infekcija:
> mRNA-1273 is expected to work by preparing the body to defend itself 
> against infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The virus uses 
> proteins on its outer surface, called spike proteins, to enter the 
> body’s cells and cause disease. mRNA-1273 contains the genetic 
> instructions (mRNA) for the spike protein and is covered in small fats 
> (lipid particles) that help deliver the mRNA and prevent it from being 
> degraded. When a person is given the vaccine, their cells will read the 
> genetic instructions and produce the spike protein. The person’s immune 
> system will then treat this protein as foreign and produce natural 
> defences — antibodies and T cells — against it. If, later on, the 
> vaccinated person comes into contact with SARS-CoV-2, the immune system 
> will recognise the virus and be prepared to attack it: antibodies and T 
> cells can work together to kill the virus, prevent its entry into the 
> body’s cells and destroy infected cells, thus helping to protect against 
> COVID-19.

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