On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:25:02 +0300, eSSas wrote: > "giving off fumes of a hydrogen halide and a forming an acidic solution > of the aluminium salt." > > Sito sakinio mano anglu kalba neiveikia. "Acidic solution of the Na tai suktam mokslui - suktos formuluotes. Juk niekur neparasyta, kad tai vien teisininku privilegija. > aluminium salt" greiciausiai reiskia banalu aliuminio jodido ir HJ > misini. Kuris kiek suprantu vistiek ganetinai agresyvus, ane? Bent jau aliuminio oksidu atzvilgiu. -- Kittehs u must haz prioriteez! U no giv cheezburger 2 Ceiling Cat, an what has it earneded U? U makeded cookies but u could not eated thems, for they was burned.