On 2010.01.23 18:45, config.lt wrote: > a tai ko gi nepakraus pilnai? > Todėl, kad pakrautas akumas duoda 13,6V įtampą, o maitblokis – tik 12V. Tiesą pasakius MKN maitblokis nepakraus visai. http://www.batteryuniversity.com/partone-13.htm Open circuit voltage State-of-Charge in % Figure 3: BCI standard for SoC estimation of a 12V flooded lead acid car battery. Test the battery at room temperature. Allow 4-8 hour of rest after charge or discharge. Courtesy of BCI 12.65V-100% 12.45V-75% 12.24V-50% 12.06V-25% 11.89V or less-Discharged Note: The BCI readings apply to flooded batteries with antimony doping. Calcium will raise the voltage by 5 - 8%. Calcium is commonly used for maintenance-free lead acid batteries. After charge or discharge, allow the battery to rest for a minimum of eight hours before assessing the state-of-charge by measuring the terminal voltage.