Tema: Re: Termovizija: radiatoriai prasosi keiciami?
Autorius: Arturas | www.langucentras.lt
Data: 2012-01-31 00:55:41
jo sig ir Flir B400 o ne siGis is Gipuros (persiprasau)

Nematyciau as tu  kurie nuomuojasi ir ka jie prisifotkina - nekalbeciau - 
dabar yra kitaip
Idomiausia skamba prasymai neviesinti nuotrauku ( na kai kurios tai tikrai 
baisus statybinis brokas) -  nors galvojau kad privatumo cia lyg ir nera - 
kitiems gera pamoka taip nedaryt ir tt. As asmeniskai termovizorius ir 
nusipirkau sau kad praktiskai patikrinti zinias (langu pasirinkima, 
montavima ir tt) ir tai tik po metu matysis kas ir kaip

su termovizorium matai rezultata , del priezasties gali pradet spelioti
plius termovizoriaus rezultatai kombinuojami kitais matavimas (su, "duru" 
testu, dregmes sienose ore, oro judejimo ir tt)
ir todel , pilna netraktoristu kurie vadovelines zinias realizuoja 
sekanciai -
padaro nuotraukas ir sako " pakeisti langu sandarinimo matyt gumas reikia"
ne cia esu imetes uab PST testu fotkes kur taip ir parasyta nesandarus 
langas - ir viskas
lekstas pdf su jpgais ir saskaita apmokejimui
viskas :)

Paskamninau paklausiau kaip cia taip PST laboratorija ir tokios nesamones - 
tai ir atsake klientas uzsake nuotraukas. 20 vnt Kaina tokia.
Jei reikia kad atvaziuotu ir atsakytu i klausimus kaina tokia. O ta kaina 
jau ispudinga.

As irgi niekam netaikau bet su rengenu irgi paskaites knygas be problemu 
susigipsuot galesi

O kaip sitie uz vadovelines knygas saibas ima as is vis nesuprantu

Level I Thermography Training
Get more professional results out of your infrared camera inspections with 
Level I Infrared Training from ITC. This course is geared to the new 
infrared camera user and focuses on IR's benefits for a variety of 
applications including condition monitoring/predictive maintenance. Learn 
Level II Thermography Training
Take your knowledge, skills, and credibility up a notch with the Level II 
Infrared Thermography Training Course. Designed for the practicing Level I 
thermographer who seeks more advanced infrared training, Level II focuses on 
strengthening and improving your predictive maintenance thermography 
expertise with more in-depth concepts and intensive labs. Learn more
Level III Thermography Training
This is advanced infrared training for Level II professionals who want begin 
and manage IR thermographic programs. The course covers advanced 
thermographic techniques, temperature measurement, device selection, 
infrared program management, calculating program ROI, and developing written 
infrared testing and inspection procedures. Learn more
Advanced Radiometry
Radiometry & Advanced RTools Training course is designed for researchers and 
military test range technicians and personnel who need to measure the 
radiance and signatures of objects or scenes using calibrated infrared 
cameras. This course will cover radiometry theory and a detailed explanation 
of the functionality of the RTools Radiometric Software Suite. Discover how 
to properly set up FLIR SC-Series camera systems for optimal image 
presentation and data collection, and more. Learn more
IR Electrical Inspection
The Infrared Electrical Inspection Training Course discusses typical 
electrical problems and their potential impact on the operation of a 
facility. Learn how to perform IR electrical surveys, document results, and 
prepare reports. This two-day training focuses on commercial electrical 
systems including building input, switchgear, bus ducts, motor control 
centers, electrical distribution panels, and breakers. The course also 
covers marketing and selling your infrared inspection services. Learn more
IR Roofing Inspection
The Infrared Roof Inspection Course is tailored for practicing 
thermographers wanting focused training on roof moisture detection and roof 
inspection surveys. This two-day class will discuss roofing types, typical 
problems, and how to perform IR inspections to identify water damage. Learn 
Optical Gas Imaging
In just 4 days, you'll learn how to setup and operate FLIR OGI cameras, what 
gases can be found with the technology, and discover how different 
environmental conditions can affect the ease or difficulty of gas leak 
detection. Training includes classroom instruction and lab time covering 
basic inspection procedures, permitting requirements, safety practices, and 
more. Learn more
Level I Certified Building Investigations
This 4-day certification course is designed to develop your IR knowledge and 
skills so you'll properly prepared to perform reliable IR surveys for 
building diagnostics. You'll learn how thermal imaging efficiently locates 
weatherization deficiencies, moisture damage, and HVAC issues. The class 
covers IR camera operation, basic report generation, fundamentals of IR 
science, heat transfer principles, IR energy surveys, and more. Learn more
Research & Science Level I Primer
The Introduction to Heat Transfer and Infrared Theory course is for 
individuals interested in using infrared camera technology for thermal 
analysis and measurement in a research or scientific setting and are 
preparing to take the Introduction to Infrared Research & Testing course. 
Learn more
Research and Science Level I - Introduction to Infrared Research & Testing
The Introduction to Infrared Research and Testing course is for individuals 
interested in using infrared camera technology for thermal analysis and 
measurement in a research or scientific setting. This course will cover heat 
transfer and infrared radiation theory with a detailed explanation of the 
functionality of FLIR ExaminIR Software. Course participants will discover 
how to properly set up the camera and software for optimal image 
presentation, data collection, data analysis, and reporting. Learn more
Research and Science Level II - Advanced Radiometry
The Introduction to Infrared Research and Testing course is for individuals 
interested in using infrared camera technology for thermal analysis and 
measurement in a research or scientific setting. This course will cover heat 
transfer and infrared radiation theory with a detailed explanation of the 
functionality of FLIR ExaminIR Software. Course participants will discover 
how to properly set up the camera and software for optimal image 
presentation, data collection, data analysis, and reporting. Learn more

Artūras Brazas
mob. +370 655 40000
fax:   +370 614 80000
skype: langucentras.lt
web:   www.langucentras.lt
email: arturas@langucentras.lt

"siGis" <s@s.s> wrote in message news:jg7068$680$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Baikit cia suda malti. As siGis neuzsiimu jokiomis termovizijomis ir to 
> daigto net rankose neturejau. Tam kad suprasti ka daro termovizorius ir ka 
> reiskia juo padarytos nuotraukos nereikia ilgai ir nuobodziai uz didelius 
> pinigus pirkti universiteto diplomo. Pakanka ismokti naudotis vidurines 
> mokyklos ziniomis, dar kai ka papildomai paskaitinejant.
> Visuomet kele is pradziu nuostaba, paskui juoka kai susidurdavau su 
> profkiniais traktoristais, skardininkais ar savamoksliais 
> autoremontininkais kurie keldavo savo niekingai menka verte spausdami 
> elemntarias, vadovelines zinias manydami kad tai vos ne profesoriaus lygio 
> ismanymas. Vienas serviso vadovas i kuri pasiziurejus galima buvo 
> pagalvoti kad jis valdo puse pasaulio nusirito net iki to,  kad paprasius 
> auto rozetes priekabelei pajungimo schemos pareiske kad pajungti galime, o 
> schemos duoti ne. Neitiketinai nesuprantatnys savo niekingumo, atsilike 
> zmogeliukai.
> To ka pasakiau netaikau kam nors konkreciai. Tiesiog tema pakrypo sita 
> linkme.
> "Arturas | www.langucentras.lt"  parase naujienu 
> news:jg650a$vf8$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> debiliskas klausimas.
> debiliskai atsakau - jokios, todel gotas, nuoma 70  lt valanda + 
> niusgrupai
> Q&A yr the best option for dummies
> ten ir termovizorius uz 3klt, toks teisingas kabutese
> pvz pas siGis  B400 kas +- 40klt
> -- 
> Art?ras Brazas
> mob. +370 655 40000
> fax:   +370 614 80000
> skype: langucentras.lt
> web:   www.langucentras.lt
> email: arturas@langucentras.lt