Tema: Re: Termovizija: radiatoriai prasosi keiciami?
Autorius: mindis
Data: 2012-01-31 14:21:46
Pasirido gali ir zmoniskai sneket
On 01/31/2012 12:57 AM, Arturas | www.langucentras.lt wrote:
> jo sig ir Flir B400 o ne siGis is Gipuros (persiprasau)
> Nematyciau as tu  kurie nuomuojasi ir ka jie prisifotkina - nekalbeciau -
> dabar yra kitaip
> Idomiausia skamba prasymai neviesinti nuotrauku ( na kai kurios tai tikrai
> baisus statybinis brokas) -  nors galvojau kad privatumo cia lyg ir nera -
> kitiems gera pamoka taip nedaryt ir tt. As asmeniskai termovizorius ir
> nusipirkau sau kad praktiskai patikrinti zinias (langu pasirinkima,
> montavima ir tt) ir tai tik po metu matysis kas ir kaip
> su termovizorium matai rezultata , del priezasties gali pradet spelioti
> plius termovizoriaus rezultatai kombinuojami kitais matavimas (su, "duru"
> testu, dregmes sienose ore, oro judejimo ir tt)
> ir todel , pilna netraktoristu kurie vadovelines zinias realizuoja
> sekanciai -
> padaro nuotraukas ir sako " pakeisti langu sandarinimo matyt gumas reikia"
> ne cia esu imetes uab PST testu fotkes kur taip ir parasyta nesandarus
> langas - ir viskas
> lekstas pdf su jpgais ir saskaita apmokejimui
> viskas :)
> Paskamninau paklausiau kaip cia taip PST laboratorija ir tokios nesamones -
> tai ir atsake klientas uzsake nuotraukas. 20 vnt Kaina tokia.
> Jei reikia kad atvaziuotu ir atsakytu i klausimus kaina tokia. O ta kaina
> jau ispudinga.
> As irgi niekam netaikau bet su rengenu irgi paskaites knygas be problemu
> susigipsuot galesi
> O kaip sitie uz vadovelines knygas saibas ima as is vis nesuprantu
> http://www1.infraredtraining.com/calendar/courses.cfm
> Level I Thermography Training
> Get more professional results out of your infrared camera inspections with
> Level I Infrared Training from ITC. This course is geared to the new
> infrared camera user and focuses on IR's benefits for a variety of
> applications including condition monitoring/predictive maintenance. Learn
> more
> Level II Thermography Training
> Take your knowledge, skills, and credibility up a notch with the Level II
> Infrared Thermography Training Course. Designed for the practicing Level I
> thermographer who seeks more advanced infrared training, Level II focuses on
> strengthening and improving your predictive maintenance thermography
> expertise with more in-depth concepts and intensive labs. Learn more
> Level III Thermography Training
> This is advanced infrared training for Level II professionals who want begin
> and manage IR thermographic programs. The course covers advanced
> thermographic techniques, temperature measurement, device selection,
> infrared program management, calculating program ROI, and developing written
> infrared testing and inspection procedures. Learn more
> Advanced Radiometry
> Radiometry&  Advanced RTools Training course is designed for researchers and
> military test range technicians and personnel who need to measure the
> radiance and signatures of objects or scenes using calibrated infrared
> cameras. This course will cover radiometry theory and a detailed explanation
> of the functionality of the RTools Radiometric Software Suite. Discover how
> to properly set up FLIR SC-Series camera systems for optimal image
> presentation and data collection, and more. Learn more
> IR Electrical Inspection
> The Infrared Electrical Inspection Training Course discusses typical
> electrical problems and their potential impact on the operation of a
> facility. Learn how to perform IR electrical surveys, document results, and
> prepare reports. This two-day training focuses on commercial electrical
> systems including building input, switchgear, bus ducts, motor control
> centers, electrical distribution panels, and breakers. The course also
> covers marketing and selling your infrared inspection services. Learn more
> IR Roofing Inspection
> The Infrared Roof Inspection Course is tailored for practicing
> thermographers wanting focused training on roof moisture detection and roof
> inspection surveys. This two-day class will discuss roofing types, typical
> problems, and how to perform IR inspections to identify water damage. Learn
> more
> Optical Gas Imaging
> In just 4 days, you'll learn how to setup and operate FLIR OGI cameras, what
> gases can be found with the technology, and discover how different
> environmental conditions can affect the ease or difficulty of gas leak
> detection. Training includes classroom instruction and lab time covering
> basic inspection procedures, permitting requirements, safety practices, and
> more. Learn more
> Level I Certified Building Investigations
> This 4-day certification course is designed to develop your IR knowledge and
> skills so you'll properly prepared to perform reliable IR surveys for
> building diagnostics. You'll learn how thermal imaging efficiently locates
> weatherization deficiencies, moisture damage, and HVAC issues. The class
> covers IR camera operation, basic report generation, fundamentals of IR
> science, heat transfer principles, IR energy surveys, and more. Learn more
> Research&  Science Level I Primer
> The Introduction to Heat Transfer and Infrared Theory course is for
> individuals interested in using infrared camera technology for thermal
> analysis and measurement in a research or scientific setting and are
> preparing to take the Introduction to Infrared Research&  Testing course.
> Learn more
> Research and Science Level I - Introduction to Infrared Research&  Testing
> The Introduction to Infrared Research and Testing course is for individuals
> interested in using infrared camera technology for thermal analysis and
> measurement in a research or scientific setting. This course will cover heat
> transfer and infrared radiation theory with a detailed explanation of the
> functionality of FLIR ExaminIR Software. Course participants will discover
> how to properly set up the camera and software for optimal image
> presentation, data collection, data analysis, and reporting. Learn more
> Research and Science Level II - Advanced Radiometry
> The Introduction to Infrared Research and Testing course is for individuals
> interested in using infrared camera technology for thermal analysis and
> measurement in a research or scientific setting. This course will cover heat
> transfer and infrared radiation theory with a detailed explanation of the
> functionality of FLIR ExaminIR Software. Course participants will discover
> how to properly set up the camera and software for optimal image
> presentation, data collection, data analysis, and reporting. Learn more