Tema: Re: lietuvos pasto statistika
Autorius: Renookas
Data: 2014-03-27 09:32:36
siandien gauta informacija is kiniecio, kad nurodyto adreso nerasta, todel 
per 4 dienas jiems siuntini issius atgal. Bandant rasti galus niekaip 
nepavyksta. duotas siuntos numeris kinijos paste galioja ir rodo kad 
atkeliavo i lietuva, o lietuvos pastas nieko nemato, nieko nezino ir niekas 
niekur nieko neranda. Gal patarimu bus?

Very urgent! The package has arrived in your local place, but we notice that 
the address you provided is not avalible, please contact your local post and 
pick it ASAP. Thanks!

We receive the notification from our delivery company that the package 
couldn't be delivered to you successfully after they tried, so now could you 
please help to contact your local post office   "+370 700 55 400"  to get 
the package successfully delivered or go to there to pick up it? Otherwise, 
the package will be returned after 4 days.

"st"  parašė naujienų news:lgu1b7$vav$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

per paskutinius 3 men 3/5 siuntiniu dinge, per paskutini pusmeti 4/10-12
siuntiniu dinge.
kitiem irgi taip? luksio pastas, kaunas. visi dinge europiniai 3 anglai ir