Tema: Re: Koki stabilu PC dizaino darbui pasirinkti? Kur pirkti? Vilnius.
Autorius: Icetom
Data: 2010-04-20 12:55:00
Turbūt- nesigilinau stipriai. Tiesiog ASUS rašo apie minimą motininę :)

"The ASUS Workstation Series is the ideal foundation for a powerful PC. It 
delivers awesome power, dependable performance and unparallel multiple I/O 
scalability for the most demanding tasks and future upgrades"

Bei patiko maitinimas. Manau, kad patikima motina turi turėti kuo geresnį 
maitinimą net ir naudojant su stock nustatymais. Greičiausiai galima 
parinkti ir ką nors analogiško ir su viena PCI-E 16 jungtimi+geras 
ASUS Hybrid 16+3 Phase Power Design
Unprecedented Innovation with the Best Quality Component for Best 
The groundbreaking Hybrid 16+3 phase VRM design is brought to the ASUS 
motherboards. Hybrid 16+3 phase power design, 16-phase for vCore and extra 
3-phase for Memory controller inside CPU, can provide the highest power 
efficiency, and hence generates less heat to effectively enhance the 
overclocking capability. With the high quality power components such as low 
RDS (on) MOSFETs, Ferrite core chokes with lower hysteresis loss and 100% 
Japan-made high quality conductive polymer capacitors, ASUS Hybrid 16+3 
phase VRM design also ensure longer component life and minimum power loss.

Dėl CUDA ir tvarkoj, jei Adobe tinka ir namų naudotojams skirtos VGA...

"vytjon" <no@any.mail> wrote in message 
>   CUDA ne vien Quadro palaiko, Asus Workstation motininė irgi yra ne 
> tokiem darbam :) , tuo labiau, kai siūloma tik viena videokorta.