Tema: Re: HDD vs SSD
Autorius: KEdas
Data: 2010-10-28 12:53:26
On 2010.10.28 10:20, arulis wrote:
> apie X25-M serijos diskus Intelio:
> The useful life of Intel SSDs are five years. That useful life is dependent
> on write cycles. The parameter being 20GB a day, seven days a week, 365
> days a year for five years. In other words, if you write a quarter (25
> percent) of your capacity (of an 80GB drive) for five years, it will last.
> If you write less than that, it will last even longer.

Didelį diską reikia pirkti tik tam, kad naudotis 25% ir tada jis laikys 
5 metus? :) Skaityk įdėmiau.
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