Tema: Re: Cross: Virtualizacija
Autorius: Arj
Data: 2012-04-04 14:58:54
nu cia gi seagate reklamine medziaga - reikia kazkuo argumentuotai paaiskinti kodel tas pats hdd su 
SAS juntamai brangesnis nei su SATA. O jei paziureti realiaus naudojimo benchmarkus - deti I namu pc 
SAS 7200rpm diska jokios prasmes - to pacio modelio sata versija jame suksis greiciau. vat jei tam 
namu pc butu bent 2hdd, kur butu pastoviai droziami - tada sas apsimoka. Ir kartais labai stipriai 

"MRT"  parašė naujienų news:jlhal2$qvv$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

O jei paziuret 20-aji psl?:

Pagal wiki: They feature the following benefits compared to SATA:[3]
* Dual ports allowing redundant paths
* Multiple host support
* Full SCSI command set
* Faster interface compared to SATA, up to 30%, no STP (Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol) overhead
* No need for SATA interposer cards (for high availability of SATA drives SATA interposer cards are 
To summarize: Nearline SAS drives are simply big, cheap, and slow SAS drives targeted toward 
nearline storage.