Tema: Re: SSD cache diskas vs SSD diskas
Autorius: Jonas
Data: 2012-04-27 11:20:05
is dataplex puslapio

NVELO offers two Dataplex options for use in client computing. For 
professional video and graphics production, software development, CAD/CAM, 
and gaming, Dataplex utilizes a “Write-Back” caching policy to deliver 
maximum performance and endurance for heavy end-user workloads. In this 
mode, both system Reads and Writes are cached, and the ideal MLC or 
SLC-based cache SSD would typically be in the range of 32GB to 128GB 
depending upon specific use cases.

For notebooks and tablet computing, Dataplex uses a “Write-Around” caching 
policy which caches system Reads, and can utilize MLC-based SSD’s with as 
little as 16GB capacity for cost reduction, while still delivering 4-5x 
performance over HDD’s, and maintaining multi-year endurance requirements.

"Audrimas"  wrote in message news:jndkom$tre$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

Nu kiek skaitau pas juos niekur nerandu apie write cache.

"The solution intelligently places, or "caches", the most frequently needed
files (active data) on the SSD and leaves less frequently used files
(inactive data) on the hard drive."


"Baterijus" <tspokas@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Vyrai, ko peðatës? Kaþkaip á lankas diskutuojant. Ðituo atveju duomenys 
> fiziðkai nedingta, jie lieka uþkeðuoti SDD atmintyje, ið kurios nedingsta. 
> Taèiau (!!!) pagrindinis klausimas - ar kompiuteriui pakilus perkeliama 
> informacija á HDD, kurios nespëjo áraðyt. Intel Smart Response 
> technologijos atveju - ne (berods). Todël ten yra du keðavimo 
> pasirinkimai: greitas ir lëtesnis, kur raðymo nekeðuoja.  Apie Dataplex 
> negirdëjau nieko, tai man irgi ádomu bûtø suþinot.
> Dar kartà patikslinu klausimà:
> Naudojant Dataplex keðavimà, raðant á HDD duomenis, jie keðuojami á SDD. 
> Ar tuo metu dingus elektrai ir vël pasikrovus kompiuteriui nespëti áraðyti 
> á HDD duomenys bus perkeliami, ar dings?
> "MRT"  wrote in message news:jnde8v$j4t$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> ... nes jei tai yra ramdisk ar raid controlerio cache be baterijos - 
>> baigiasi prastai...
> nu bl.. o tai SSD su batarkem ar ka?.. ta raid controlerio cache batarke 
> ka saugo?..
> tik cache ir tik todel, kad ten kokia nors DDR atmintis.. SSD atveju jame 
> cache turetu likt..