Tema: Re: SSD cache diskas vs SSD diskas
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2012-04-27 12:01:51
> Visas sis reikalas ne tik, kad slidus ir rizikingas, bet dar ir ne toks efektyvus, kaip kad naudojant ssd kaip paprasta diska 
> os'ui ir programom. Vienu zodziu zaidimas zmonem kas turi laisvo laiko :)

Dataplex software has the following restrictions:
• DO NOT detach your hard drive (target drive) or solid
state drive (cache drive) while Dataplex is enabled.
Doing so puts you at risk of losing data and/or
rendering your machine unbootable. If you need to
detach or swap a drive UNISTALL Dataplex first.
• DO NOT detach your hard drive (target drive) and put
it into another SATA port while Dataplex is enabled.
Doing so puts you at risk of losing data and/or
rendering your machine unbootable. If you need to
switch SATA ports, UNISTALL Dataplex first.