> tai gal dar sita vieta pagerejo suaktyvavus Win10?.. Galima buvo, bet kam? > Nebandei ismatuot kiek ns uzlaiko garsa iki aktyvacijos ir po? Galiu tik pasakyti, kad sename kompe latency visose eilutėse buvo virš 2000 ar net 4000 us. Naujo kompo taip atrodo kaip prikabintame, tad juokitės puodai, kad katilas juodas. T.y. mano subjektyvus įspūdžiai dalinai patvirtinami objektyviais matavimais. Kita dalis jau būtų geležies matavimai. "Report view The report view displays a conclusion of the suitability of your system for playing real-time audio at the top. If the execution times of all DPC and ISR routines stay below 2000 µs (microseconds), your system is considered suitable for handling real-time audio without dropouts. If some routines have execution times between 2000 µs and 4000 µs, your system is considered doubtful. If ISR or DPC routines are detected to execute for longer than 4000 µs, a system is considered unsuitable for handling real-time audio. Note that these numbers are just chosen arbitrarily. For optimal midi to audio latencies, buffer sizes of a sound card and driver should be set to very low values then only very low execution times of DPCs and ISRs become acceptable."