Tema: HP Mobile Data Protection Sensor error code 48
Autorius: bat0nas
Data: 2017-04-12 14:18:43

OS: Windows 10 Pro Creators Update clean install

Įdiegtas HP 3D DriveGuard Software
Tiek v5 (iš laptopo tvarkyklių puslapio), tiek v6 (iš desperacijos)

Klaida: Error Code 48.
Pagal to https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03540049:

Code 48
The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it 
is known to have problems with Windows.
Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver.
Update the driver or replace the device with compatible hardware.

Mano atveju: http://imgur.com/TQKE9IG

Kaip padaryti, kad Windows nesikeiktų?
O gal SSD kaltas? Nors tas sensorius gi ne diske, o turbūt kažkur 
pačiame laptope. Ar vis tik pats diskas turi kritimo sensorių?