Tema: Re: apie GPU panaudojimą renderinimui
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2018-11-06 09:20:36
> čia rašo, kad turi veikti
> https://www.reddit.com/r/3dsmax/comments/52nw9p/cpu_vs_gpu_rendering_performance/

o jei akyse nemates jokio 3Ds Max produkto, ar labai ne i tema:


For example, if using Iray which is native to 3ds Max 2017, you can allocate GPU usage
and resources via the Hardware Resources rollout menu in the Render Setup dialog.
More information on GPU Rendering with Iray can be found here.

Other 3rd-party render engines like Redshift or V-Ray RT have documentation on their
websites for GPU settings, or if any specific configuration is necessary.
(e.g. Redshift: Additional Configuration and V-Ray: Set Up V-Ray RT GPU & Guide to GPU Rendering).

Tarkim Iray nepripazista GTX1060 ir fyga tau.. o kaip tie 3rd-party render engines?