Nusiunčiau info ir laukiu: In order for us to give you the best available service, we need to know more about your issue. Please provide us with a detailed description of what you are trying to do, how you are trying to accomplish the task, and the information requested below so we may assist you in finding the cause of your issue and work towards a speedy resolution. If your machine is part of a company network which is behind a proxy firewall, the download manager will not run. Please address the network configuration or download the software from outside of the company network. Should the issue persist please provide the following details: - A: 1. User's Microsoft Account (formerly known as Windows Live ID): 2. Agreement number: 3. Date/Time and Country of Last Download attempt: 4. Product name and Number (ex: x13-019): 5. URL of page: 6. Screenshot of the Error: 7. Are you using IE or a Download Manager 8. Are you downloading from behind a Proxy server (i.e. At work): 9. Do you have any Proxy restrictions (ask system admin)? B: 1. Identify the exact steps taken to reproduce the error. 2. Provide us the full screenshots of the download selected. 3. Identify your external IP address by navigating to: 3a. Identify your DNS IP address by navigating to: 4. In a command window type nslookup 5. In a command window type tracert 6.Identify the Operating System, browser, and Java Runtime Environment of the user. 7. Provide a screen shot of the LAN settings by going to the following path in Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options on the Connections Tab under LAN Settings While some of the above information may not seem applicable to your issue, it is important that we get as detailed information as possible in order to best resolve your issue. "Dainiushas" <> wrote in message news:pt628h$qgc$ > nu tai aš dasikasiau iki ukrainietės po vokišku telefono numeriu ir > pasidariau kad būtų rezultatas, proceso jau buvau patyręs pakankamai. > Parašyk kaip sekėsi, bet tai nesuvokiu kaip tokie dalykai gali šitiek > laiko neveikt. > > 2018.11.22 12:05, Lapinas rašė: >> Tai aš ne sbalen, kad už proksių slėptis. >> Dabar su MS sprendžiam kodėl neveikia. >> >> "Dainiushas" <> wrote in message >> news:pt5t43$m5g$ >>> taigi parašiau anąsyk ką daryt. USA proxy užsidėjau ir iš lėtuko >>> parsisiunčiau viską ką reikėjo. >>> >>> 2018.11.22 11:09, Lapinas rašė: >>>> Kaip jau kažkada skundžiausi, atsisiunčiant produktus gaunu klaidą 404. >>>> Gal kas turite akauntą pas MS VLSC ir interneto provaideris ne TELIA? >>>> Gal galite pabandyti ar veikia Jums atsisiuntimas? >>> >