Tema: Re: Win 10 netinka Product Key nuo Win 7...
Autorius: Deivis <deivis @ autos . lt>
Data: 2015-07-30 22:38:53
panašu, kad radau oficialiam psl. - tu buvai teisus.


If you upgraded to Windows 10 on this PC by taking advantage of the 
free upgrade offer and successfully activated Windows 10 on this PC in 
the past, you won't have a Windows 10 product key, and you can skip the 
product key page by selecting the Skip button. Your PC will activate 
online automatically so long as the same edition of Windows 10 was 
successfully activated on this PC by using the free Windows 10 upgrade 


Caponi formulated the question :
> OK, lauksiu infos.
> --
> Caponi
> http://caponi.skelbimai.lt/
> "Deivis" <deivis @ autos . lt> wrote in message 
> news:mpdtod$lc4$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> kai pasibandysim parašysiu - pačiam įdomu kaip ten bus, nes aš suprantu iš 
>> tų parašymų, kad lic. sutampa (compatible) su W7/8.1 kai BIOS'e įsiųta
>> Caponi wrote :
>>> Tai pala pala - jei tu apie Technical Preview versijas, tai taip, del ju 
>>> aktyvavimo galvos sukt nereikejo, nesvarbu ant ko jas instalindavai.
>>> O vat su galutinem versijom situacija tokia, kad pirma reikia daryt 
>>> upgreida ant aktyvuotos sistemos, isitikint, kad W10 irgi aktyvavosi, o 
>>> tada jau gali ir svariai instaliuotis kada tik panorejes.
>>> --
>>> Caponi
>>> http://caponi.skelbimai.lt/
>>> "Deivis" <deivis @ autos . lt> wrote in message 
>>> news:mpdt76$l5r$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Ant savo bandžiau, bet tas buvo ar tik ne lapkritį, tai galvos neduočiau 
>>>> nukirst. Vienas neseniai nepraėjo ant balto PC, bet manau dėl to, kad jau 
>>>> buvo uždarytas naujų insiderių diegimas, o instalinom prieš Liepos 29. 
>>>> Dar reikės pasitikrinti kaip ten gyvai.
>>>> Caponi presented the following explanation :
>>>>> "Deivis" <deivis @ autos . lt> wrote in message 
>>>>> news:mpd6s1$cag$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> Na man veikia iš ISO. Lenovo X1 Carbon. Bandau prisiminti "gal" esu 
>>>>>> daręs upgrade, bet kiek pamenu visad iš USB kraudavau naują.
>>>>>> Kol kas matau, kad abu metodai naudojami priklausomai nuo situacijos. 
>>>>>> Gal yra kitų šaltinių?
>>>>>> https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-10/4794/more-windows-10-answers-how-activation-will-work-on-an-upgrade
>>>>>> "And the version of Windows 10 you install must match the version of 
>>>>>> the previous OS. If you had Windows 7 Home Basic, for example, you must 
>>>>>> use Windows 10 Home. If you do, it will work. If you don’t, you will be 
>>>>>> prompted to activate and you will need a Windows 10 Pro product key."
>>>>> Taip, cia viskas aisku.
>>>>>> O apie upgrade žinoma jei nėra BIOS'e arba nesutampa licencija, tai 
>>>>>> reikia iš genuine padaryti upgrade ir tada jau galima iš iso.
>>>>>> http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/the-free-upgrade-to-windows-10-for-windows-7-oem/b622ef33-ac69-4ca1-b7d1-9aa08321809f?page=11
>>>>>> "Your Windows 8.1 has to be activated and then upgraded by running 
>>>>>> setup.exe from the mounted ISO to result in an activated upgrade to 
>>>>>> Windows 10.  The ISO will not search for your previous Product Key and 
>>>>>> activate based on that.  It activates based on detecting an activated, 
>>>>>> authentic, qualifying OS during the upgrade, not by Product Key."
>>>>> O va cia, mano galva, esmine info yra "It activates based on detecting 
>>>>> an activated, authentic, qualifying OS during the upgrade, not by 
>>>>> Product Key"
>>>>> Vat as uztai ir klausiau ar bandei, nes as tik is teorines puses 
>>>>> padariau isvada (pats eksperimentus dariau su upgreidu is atskirai 
>>>>> pirkto W8.1 OEM'o, t.y. BIOS'e isiuta nieko nera), kad be upgreidinimosi 
>>>>> pradzioj nieko nebus (kiek suprantu, tai lyg ir uzsiskaito kaip 
>>>>> upgreidinimas kada nors uzvarytas koks Technical Preview variantas), 
>>>>> wm'ui svari instaliacija irgi nesuveike...