Tema: Re: eilini karta ms valdo...:/
Autorius: Caponi
Data: 2018-04-20 09:36:48
Nu pasėkmė ta.
Fixai - 
greitoji metodika:

     Boot your computer and log into the temporary profile.
     Click the Start button.
     Launch the registry editor by typing “regedit” (no quotes) in the 
Search box.
     Right-click regedit, then select Run as Administrator.
     Navigate to this path:

Computer \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ 
CurrentVersion\ ProfileList

     You should be able to see the list of profile names.
     Find the two profiles with the same name. One of those should end 
with .bak.
     Note that the key with .bak at the end is your correct, 
personalized profile. You are currently logged into a new profile with 
the same key. As such, you have to rename the two files. Add “_new” (no 
quotes) at the end of the key for the temporary profile. After that, 
remove the .bak from the correct profile key.
     Once you’ve completed the previous step, you can now log off from 
the temporary profile.
     Restart your computer and log in to your correct profile.

Jei padės - tau pasisekė :-)


On 2018-04-20 09:16, fenix wrote:
> ka tik telefonu atsiunte.
> ar tas pats?