kaip tik vieną krušu, nihuja nepadeda ant kito suiveikė. NX 2018.04.20 09:36, Caponi rašė: > Nu pasėkmė ta. > Fixai - > https://www.auslogics.com/en/articles/how-to-fix-temporary-profile-in-windows-7/, > greitoji metodika: > > > Boot your computer and log into the temporary profile. > Click the Start button. > Launch the registry editor by typing “regedit” (no quotes) in the > Search box. > Right-click regedit, then select Run as Administrator. > Navigate to this path: > > Computer \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ > CurrentVersion\ ProfileList > > You should be able to see the list of profile names. > Find the two profiles with the same name. One of those should end > with .bak. > Note that the key with .bak at the end is your correct, > personalized profile. You are currently logged into a new profile with > the same key. As such, you have to rename the two files. Add “_new” (no > quotes) at the end of the key for the temporary profile. After that, > remove the .bak from the correct profile key. > Once you’ve completed the previous step, you can now log off from > the temporary profile. > Restart your computer and log in to your correct profile. > > > Jei padės - tau pasisekė :-) > > > -- > Caponi > http://caponi.skelbimai.lt/ > > > On 2018-04-20 09:16, fenix wrote: >> ka tik telefonu atsiunte. >> ar tas pats?