Ask Russia to release documentation about Raoul WallenbergRaoul Wallenberg is Canada’s first and was for sixteen years our only honorary citizen. As a Swedish diplomat in Budapest in the closing days of World War II, he saved tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust. When the Soviets took over Hungary, he disappeared into its gulag. His fate has never been satisfactorily explained. For decades the Soviet Union and then Russia claimed that Raoul Wallenberg died on July 17, 1947 in Moscow’s Lubyanka prison. Yet, in November 2009, Russian FSB archivists, in a formal reply to questions from researchers, stated that « with great likelihood » Wallenberg became « Prisoner No. 7″ in Moscow’s Lubyanka prison in 1943 and that « Prisoner No. 7″ had been interrogated on July 23, 1947, that is to say, six days after the date of his supposed death. Išeitų, kad Rusija suimdama ir nužudydama švedų diplomatą, išgelbėjusį dešimtis tūkstančių žydų nuo Holokausto Budapešte, nubaudė jį už tai? -- Komentuoju straipsnį