Tema: Re: ištinę stačiakampiai pdfuose
Autorius: Artūras_darbe
Data: 2012-10-11 09:24:48
Jo, to pirmo sakinio galėjote ir nerašyt :)

Use Object Hinting To Improve Web Graphics
One of the new features added to CorelDRAW X5 is Object Hinting. What is 
that you might ask? Let's say you have a rectangle that will be used as 
part of a graphic on the Web. The outline of the rectangle doesn't 
neatly align with the pixel grid. That means anti-aliasing will make the 
black outline gray in some places. You don't want that, you want solid 
black! Simply select the rectangle and choose Edit | Object Hinting. 
That will make the outline snap into place on the pixel grid.

2012.10.10 20:06, KEdas rašė:
> Mane stebina jūsų neprofesionalumas. Negi tikrai nesate girdėję apie
> hintavimą?