Tema: Re: Nokia firmwaro perrasymo bedos
Autorius: st
Data: 2014-10-07 09:20:51
manau kelio 1.0 po pheonix darasyk Products, nes cia pas tave neranda softo, 
nes jo tavo nurodytam kelyje nera kaip matyti is picsu. o siaip su naujais 
windows tai klausimas ar aplamai pavyks.

"klausiu" <alius_k@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> "Neither dp1.0 nor dp2.0 was found for the product, or the product cannot 
> be
> identified."
> P.S. operacine Windows 8.1 x64
> P.P.S. bandziau ir ant Windows 7 x86 - rezultatas tas pats