Tema: Re: Probook/Elitebook bioso passwordo naikinimas. Kaip?
Autorius: Vitoldas
Data: 2014-12-15 14:22:41
budas1: yra toks daiktas kaip sparekey.

If you've set up the SpareKey, you can follow these simple steps to 
remove HP Elitebook BIOS password:
1.Turn on the computer and immediately press the ESC key to display the 
Startup Menu, and then press the F10 to enter BIOS Setup.
2.After typing the incorrect BIOS password three times, you'll be 
presented with the screen prompting you to press F7 for HP SpareKey 
3.Press F7 key, the HP SpareKey wizard pops up and prompts you for the 
answers to the three personal identification questions.
4.If you successfully answer the questions, you are granted access and 
you can reset the BIOS password.

budas2 naudotis softu:

On 2014.12.15 14:14, klausiu wrote:
> Ar yra budas panaikinti naujesniu modeliu, pvz. xx70 , bioso
>   admino slaptazodi (neileidzia i biosa, praso admino
>   slaptazodzio)?
> Jei misija neimanoma, tai uztektu bent budo kaip pakeist kai
>   kuriuos bioso nustatymus apeinant bioso slaptazodi.
> Kaip priverstinai perrasyt biosa (i naujasne versija) aisku, bet
>   tai neissprendzia nei slaptazodzio panaikinimo, nei nustatymu
>   keitimo.
> Kaip is windows nuskaityt/irasyt bioso nustatumus i/is failo irgi
>   aisku, tik kad be bioso slaptazodzio neleidzia irasyt naujo
>   nustatymu failo.