Tema: Re: Q: canon 50D ir ISO?
Autorius: Katinas
Data: 2010-01-12 15:48:44
Čia truputį... apie tai...

New to this class of Canon is an Auto ISO setting. It works perfectly 
for use for scenic photos, but poorly for action. Better than Nikon, 
Canon's Auto ISO is simply another option in the ISO menu. Worse than 
Nikon, it cannot be adjusted for desired shutter speeds, which is why 
Canon's Auto ISO doesn't work for people photos, just scenic photos.

Canon's Auto ISO, while not adjustable, is much smarter than Nikon's 
because it automatically shifts itself based on your zoom setting. It 
doesn't know if you have IS on or off.

Canon's Auto ISO is optimized to choose lower, cleaner ISOs in exchange 
for the slowest shutter speed you can hold safely — if your subject 
holds still, too. If shooting people, kids or action, it will usually 
result in shutter speeds that are too slow in dim light.

For most people, this Canon Auto ISO system is superior because it's 
easier to use. For myself and the minority of you who learn Nikon's more 
complex system, Nikon's system is superior for people and action photos 
because the lowest desired shutter speed can be set to 1/125 (or 
anything else), and the Nikons will then use higher Auto ISOs than Canon 
to try to maintain 1/125 in lower light so people don't get smeared. 
Canon's Auto ISO will be perfectly happy shooting indoors at 1/30 at 
wider angles, and your non-flash people photos will be blurred.

Canon's "Highlight Tone Priority," a trick to prevent bright highlights 
from blowing out to white, and Auto Lighting Optimizer, a trick to keep 
shadows from getting too dark, really work¨.

The Auto Lighting Optimizer is always on by default, but you have to 
activate the Highlight Tone Priority manually in C.Fn II 6 (MENU > click 
left or right to the Wrench with three dots > Custom Functions > click 
right to #6 > SET > Click down to ENABLE > SET).

Highlight Tone Priority never lets the ISO go below 200 or above 3,200. 
If you have it ON, you'll see "D+" in the finder and on the LCD on 
playback if you're looking at shooting data.

Tomas HVAC rašė:
> kaip Tv, Av rėžimuose ant AUTO iso  uždėti viršutinę ribą?
> tarkim aš pageidaučiau iki 800 maks. 
> o kartais nors ir blicas + softboxas auto ISO susiskaičiuoja 1600...
> žiauriai nervina
> objektyvas 28-75 / f2,8 Tamrono taigi šviesus pakankamai.