Intermediate (assuming you’re using Photoshop) – Fuji recommends your image to be in a sRGB color space. Be sure to tell the operator that you do not want any additional adjustment, for although the machine will not automatically compensate, the operator still might try to be helpful by making changes. 1 - Open your file in Photoshop (or your choice of image editing programs) and Save As an uncompressed file as either a PSD or TIF which will become your working original. 2 - Do your editing, correct color, open shadows, crop etc., then Save As "working original 2". 3 - Resize your finished image. Go to Image>Image Size. Make sure Constraint Proportions and Resample Image (Bicubic) is checked. Enter 300 for the resolution and 10 for the width (or height if it’s a vertical). Depending on the aspect ration of the original scan, the size in the height box will vary. Pay attention to the Pixel Dimensions above the size in inches. It should now read 2250x3000 pixels. That's the same as 7.5 x 10 inches at 300 pixels per inch. 4 - Add Unsharp Mask if the image needs to be sharpened. This is a judgment call based on your personal vision and the particular image. 5 - Add a canvas so the image will print properly as an 8x10. Go to Image>Canvas Size. If you're working in inches, change the 7.5 to 8 inches. If you're working in pixels, change the 2250 to 2400 pixels. In both cases, the exact same size border will be added to the 7.5 inch sides to make it centered on an 8 inch canvas. We have gotten into the habit of adding copyright, contact and image file numbers in that border area, but you could choose to leave it white, or black, if you want. 6 - Save As a TIF adding 8x10 to the file name. This will be the file you burn to a CD or copy to a zip disk to be printed. An 8x10 becomes a 20+ megabyte Tif file. 2010.02.24 10:50, nexus rašė: > Sveiki, > > > Kaip rekomenduotumet paruosti turima raw faila pries atiduodant i > fotolaba nuotrauku 10x15 spausdinimui. > Kazkiek naudoju LR. Exportuociau turima faila i reikiama, bet nezinau > kokius nustatymus uzdeti, ta prasme dpi, failo formatas tiff, jpg, > kompresijos dydis procentais, sRGB. > Dar kazkur buvau skaites, kad sharpinima geriau atlikti po exportavimo. > > Dekui is anksto