Tema: Re: OMG.. prunkshchiau ish kai kuriu juodai
Autorius: Toxis
Data: 2009-02-24 20:43:58
mane su pornucha ir su LOTRU labiausiai pramushe
"If you watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy backwards, it's a saga about a 
little guy who gets a cool ring from a volcano and spends the rest of the 
films walking home."

ir pornucha:
"It's a film about a husband vacuuming semen off his wife's face before 
putting on his plumbing jumpsuit and heading off to work."
"bala nemate" <bala.nemate@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> If you watch LOST backwards you realize it's the same thing as if you 
> would
> watch if forward
> -- 
> bn/mj
> icq : 171288416
> skype : bala.nemate
> "The blues ain't about making yourself feel better.
> it's about making other people feel worse."
> -- Bleeding Gums Murphy