Tema: Re: nauja religija laukia pripazhinimo - TOXI~~~
Autorius: Toxis@ze_yval_place
Data: 2011-04-20 14:32:37
bleaaaaa!!! chia tai mintis! juk jei po religijos paklode lengvai palenda
tokie dalykai kaip vaiku kutenimas ar bendradarbiavimas su italu mafija,
niekingas piratavimas turetu pralyst kaip reikalas.. ne, ne ne.. pareigune,
mes nepirataujame, mes atliekame shventas kopijavimo apeigas =)
count me in!
"Dedmytas" <dedmytas@dynamite.fu> wrote in message
> http://torrentfreak.com/file-sharers-await-official-recognition-of-new-religion-110410/
> A group of self-confessed radical pirates are pinning their hopes on
> gaining official recognition of their own unique belief system. The
> founders of the Missionary Church of Kopimism - who hold CTRL+C and CTRL+V
> as sacred symbols - hope that along with this acceptance will come
> harmony, not just with each other, but also with the police.