tokiu mantru prirasyta daug, sakanciu, kad skirstymas tik marketingas galiu surasti 10 per 5 minutes. ko nedasako ta rasliava ir kad daug neterst - civilinis iprastu klampumu brandinis auto tepalas nuo moto tepalo nesiskiria niekuom. Negalima pilti tokio, kuris turi visokiu super nano trinti mazinanciu priedu, kas zymima EP. Vsio. "Geralt" <> parašė naujienų pranešime:j59bq1$mim$ > Pasakos ne pasakos, bet as naudoju tai kas skirta motociklui, o ne masinos > varikliui. > > Automotive oil looks pretty enticing at $3 a quart but any experienced > motorcycle rider knows that using automotive oil in motorcycles causes > serious damage. In automotive vehicles, the engine is always separate from > the clutch and transmission so they have separate oils for each. In > automotive engine oil, there is more of what is called "friction > modifiers" to help lessen the amount of friction on engine components and > improve fuel economy. Of course, improving fuel economy has always been > the main goal of the automotive industry making friction modifiers a > necessity for all automotive oils. > > These friction modifiers that are added to automotive oils are what cause > serious damages when used in motorcycles. The friction modifiers clog the > clutch plates in a motorcycle's transmission causing serious clutch > slippage and disabling the motorcycle. You see, for motorcycles to be as > compact as they are, they have to combine their engine and transmission > into one casing. This means that everything is lubricated by only one type > of oil including the valves, piston, transmission, and clutch. > > Motorcycles require very little and/or no friction modifiers to help > improve clutch friction and to prevent clutch slippage. But to make up for > this lack of friction modifiers, motorcycle oils use higher levels of > anti-wear additives such as ZDDP, also known as phosphorous, to limit > engine friction and wear. Since motorcycle oil has extra anti-wear > additives and is lubricating so much more than automotive oil, you can > expect to pay anywhere from $9 to $15 a quart. > > To some people, both oils look and feel the same but now you know the > facts of each. So the next time that you decide to change your motorcycle > oil, go straight to your local motorcycle dealer and buy only high quality > motorcycle oil designed specifically for the type of motorcycle you own. > Make sure that you change your oil periodically to keep it fresh and clean > to ensure a long life for your engine, transmission, and clutch. > > > > "Quicker" <> wrote in message > news:j599g8$jfn$ >> 2011.09.19 14:40, Geralt rašė: >>> Sakyciau pirma tepala pasikeisk tikrai tinkamu. Brangaus nepirk, nes bus >>> proga ispilti/isvalyti ir supilti geresni, jeigu dings praslydimo >>> simptomai. >> >> PASAKOS čia. Ar savo akim matei, kad dėl tepalo taip būtų? Teoriją visi >> žinom, bet praktikoj taip matei? Aš į šitą variklį pyliau viską nuo A >> iki Z (automobilinius) ir jokių problemų su sankaba nebuvo.