pirmas po ranka papuoles ADO pavyzdys: Sub Add_Results_Of_ADO_Recordset() 'This was set up using Microsoft ActiveX Data Components version 2.8 Dim cnt As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim stSQL As String Dim wbBook As Workbook Dim wsSheet As Worksheet Dim rnStart As Range Const stADO As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _ "Persist Security Info=False;" & _ "Initial Catalog=BI;" & _ "Data Source=AURDWDEV01" 'where BI is SQL Database & AURDWDEV01 is SQL Server Set wbBook = ActiveWorkbook Set wsSheet = wbBook.Worksheets(1) With wsSheet Set rnStart = .Range("A1") End With stSQL = "SELECT * FROM Settings" Set cnt = New ADODB.Connection With cnt .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open stADO .CommandTimeout = 0 Set rst = .Execute(stSQL) End With 'Here we add the Recordset to the sheet from A1 rnStart.CopyFromRecordset rst 'Cleaning up. rst.Close cnt.Close Set rst = Nothing Set cnt = Nothing End Sub "Raimis" <no@mail.com> wrote in message news:gl243u$nda$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > > >> >> Su Crystal reports padaryciau statines ataskaitas, tik nesumastau, kaip >> vartotojams geriau duomenis is bazes i exceli traukti. Nors kaip avarinis >> variantas butu antikinis external data importas i exceli. > > Ilga laika tam naudojau ms query, dabar VBA . Naudojant ADO jungiesi prie SQL serverio, > gauni rezultata i recordset'a, o tada delioji ji excelyje kaip nori. > > >